1. How to Remain Positive in Covid times

How to remain Positive when all around you is negative

  1. Information Intake

We as thinking being we need a constant feed of information from our conversations, reading, watching, smelling or feeling, what most people are not aware is that we are a composed of mainly memories without a fresh feed of new information we will be domed to just recycling what we know [prejudices and ignorance prevail]. At this times we need to be careful and prudent in the digestion of new information and to do this means not taking any information on face value, do research, contrasting and comparing, then arriving to your own conclusion which you can now act or rely on. Remember that at this time of COVID-19 most information being dispensed will be negative in nature, but it does not mean you cannot be positive, look for the rays of hope in the broadcasts, lean on the good news in between- this will eventually hold you up, and help you to come out of it alive and healthy.

  1. Looking after number one

If we have to learn something in the lockdown, it is we need to look after ourselves first. We need to surrender the urge to control or influence others – we hear of cases where one’s children mainly teenagers, not taking the situation serious and thus risking the lives of their own parents or grandparents, The point to note is you know best what is good for you and at this times, it is a fight for survival, and remember, if you are sick or die, you cannot help others no matter how dear they are to you. Watch what you do, how you do it, to keep safe.  Exercise,eat healthily and initiate contact over the line be it text or video. Remember being happy, blissful, and engaged is the ticket out, find ways of developing that in your day-to-day life.

Meditation during this difficult time can help you to clear and eliminate thoughts and feelings of anxiety, stress, panic and more. Honestly, learn to meditate and you are learning to be in control of your mind. If you are new to meditation, check out on-line for ‘beginner’s guide’ to meditation, there is plenty there.

  1. Be grateful.

Gratitude allows for appreciation and healthy stock take of things and situations. Every morning take stock, take time to list 4 positive things you are grateful about and what you need to do, that day, to expand that list. Doing this in the morning gives you an incredible head start to having a positive day.

Here’s an example and my 4 things to be grateful for today:

  1. Having slept and woke up, – Happy to still be alive, millions of people around the world did not wake up to see this new day.
  2. Acknowledge that those dear to you have also woken up with you and you are all alive for another day, remember you do not own tomorrow, all you have is now, today. Tomorrow is a gift and what a gift you are enjoying with those you love!
  3. I have shelter and food to eat, at these times of people losing jobs and having no income, if you are fortunate to have shelter, be grateful and if you are affected by job lose, focus on things will get better, enjoy what you have today. Resist getting lost in living in what might ‘happen tomorrow’, live in the now, let tomorrow take care of itself.
  4. Even during lockdown, you still have many small moments to savour. Be grateful of the smell of coffee, the feel of the warm shower on your back, the warm bed and so on. When you stop to take in these moments, rather than let them rush by on automatic pilot, you are giving your brain a chance to process the pleasure, which boosts your serotonin, which helps elevate your mood and make you feel calm. Cherish time with the people around you and deepen connections. spend quality time with your loved ones. Take the time to play with your pet, hug your kids or partner, look them in the eyes, have long conversations with them, after lockdown you will benefit from these deep bonds.

For most of us who catch it, be sure our system will fight it and we will recover absolutely fine. For some, we may not get it or we may not experience any symptoms even if we do. Unfortunately, it is vulnerable people that are the main concern, so it is especially important for them to isolate and build up a good immune system. Sticking to social distancing rules and looking after your immunity are the very best things, we can do for ourselves and for each other. A positive mental state is proven to increase your immunity and chances of overcoming illness in the body. So, choose health, choose positive and choose you.

Sleep is also very important on how you feel, your mood is affected by the quality of your sleep. sleep well. Top up on sleep and get on top of things you usually push to the side. If you are working from home and/or quarantine you are likely to have more time, because of the removal of commuting time. Take this time to get an extra hour in bed or get on top of that admin that keeps being shoved to the bottom of your to-do list.

This state of affairs is not forever, and we can definitely adjust things to accommodate. Perhaps writing down a list of the things you probably take for granted, that you now miss, but will most likely get back to, will flip the situation on its head such as:

  • Walking my dog with friends
  • Going to workout classes and sitting down in a cafe for brunch afterwards
  • Travelling the world and going on adventures
  • Chatting to people and hugging people
  • Seeing my friends who live abroad

Learn something new.

Some of us have no work and have an abundance of time, and some of us have increased work and reduced time. Some people need this time to stop and reset and recover from whatever life has thrown at us, leading up to this, embrace your situation.

If you happen to find yourself with extra spare time, you could try

  • Learning a new language online.
  • Try some new healthy, immune boosting recipes.
  • Learn how to YouTube, TicTok, use zoom, Microsoft teams, photography, hair tips, make up tips, writing a book, making music, singing etc.
  • Take some online yoga classes.
  • Learn to meditate with my beginner’s guide here.

Plan your next adventure.

Just because travelling adventures have come to a halt, it does not mean you cannot dream or plan your next adventure for when this pass. Do not lose the passion for travel. Keep the adventure alive within you and get dreaming. Look at holidays, read up on new places to see, watch holiday shows.

Make the most of the time that works in a way for your situation and your health and wellbeing.

Positive news for the environment.

With both the virus and with the environmental pollution, it’s become clear that we cannot be selfish and exclude ourselves from our involvement in the environment issues, we need to recognise that we are all one with nature and when nature suffers, we suffer too. See how In just two months of forced travel reduction we have made a huge differences to the environment.

Switch up your workout routine.

We probably have a gym membership or go-to workout class that we religiously attended, but all over the world gyms are out of bounds now. You should now look to exercising at home, be inventive or go on line and indulge in some of the incredible workouts on offer and most are even free!

New way of socialising.

You can now watch Netflix with your friends and loved ones from a distance with the ‘Netflix Party’ chrome plug-in, this will help you break any isolation feelings and have topis to discuss next time you call each other

Just a final note. Lockdown is not easy and it is important to remember that it will not last forever. If you are finding things tough make sure you are checking in with friends and family. If you are not able to do that, there are people you can talk to. You are not alone– you can at any time talk to :

The Samaritans

Sane Support forum

Young Minds




Stay Healthy, Stay Positive, Stay Blessed.